
The experimental expressionism

The experimental expressionism

This unprecedented artistic movement, arises from a series of research carried out by Ramón Juan, to find new ways of expression that have not been used until now, and apply them later to paintings.

Following these experiments that he starts in 2009, Ramón Juan discovers a new way of using materials such as palm fibre and paint, which allows him to create the support to be able to express himself later, and which he would included initially in two experimental series.

My skin deep feelings

In this series he introduces a background, which he discovers influenced by his industrial knowledge of footwear, and that by mixing different types of paintings, he can create a support  like a canvas as if it were a skin, in which to express his most intimate feelings and that conceptually describes like this ... “ it's like if I´ve  ripped off  the skin, to later express my feelings in it”.  It's paint that comes from the raw heart ...

“ If a hand passes and says that all the paint from the art work disappear, there wouldn´t  be anything left...”

The universe of  my dreams

Creative process as a result of joining both series, at a more sculptural level influenced by the passion that Ramón Juan felt from his childhood for the sculpture.

My roots

It is formed mainly by a palm fibre support called "seaso", which is the fibre that wraps the trunk of  the palm, and interlacing that fibre builds a natural support as a canvas, to later paint moments and motifs related to his origins.

This sculptural canvas from the palm tree, as if it were his own skin, is the hallmark of his origins and influences for his work

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